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The president of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) asks the president of the RNA Society of Japan to nominate excellent young researchers for the 14th (FY2017) JSPS PRIZE. The RNA Society of Japan calls for Regular Members who will be nominated by the President.
Program Outline
JSPS PRIZE Recipients Selected
13th (FY2016) JSPS PRIZE Awardees
日本分子生物学会と日本生化学会は、2017年12月6日(水)〜 9日(土)の日程で合同年次大会ConBio2017(於神戸)の開催を予定しています。本大会では、関連する異分野の研究動向を学び、異分野の研究者と交流することを目的として、両学会に加えて、生命科学の広い分野の学会の協賛が予定されています。
"Emerging world of RNA modifications and epitranscriptome"
A membership fee for Regular members will be down to 6500 JPY from 2017 in accordance to a resolution in the general meeting of 2016. The web site will be temporarily closed from 5 p.m., March 31 to 9 a.m., April 1 (Japan Standard Time) for maintenance. Please check the price and go through the payment of the membership fee for the fiscal year of 2017 after the web site is relaunched. Thank you for your cooperation.
It is with our deepest sorrow that we inform you Dr. Kimitsuna Watanabe, the professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo passed away on October 16th. He was one of the most prolific tRNA specialists, and he served as a president of The RNA Society of Japan for the Term 3. We would like to express our sincere condolences.
Late registration is now open!
All participants including on-site registrants are required to register online.
Please complete registration in advance.
RNAJ will co-sponsor ConBio2017, and active members of RNAJ can attend ConBio2017 with the resistration fee at the same membership rate for FAOBMB.
Active members of RNAJ can also access the “Lectures on Demand” for about 2 months after the meeting.
The RNA society announced that Dr. Haruhiko Shiomi, a member of The RNA Society of Japan, was chosen by the 2016 election as a Board Member for 2017-2018.
お支払いがお済みでない方は、至急ログインの上、年度会費のお支払い手続きをしてください。銀行振り込みの場合、会員ステイタスが有効になるまで最大で1週間かかることがあります。RNA2016の当日参加登録受付時に会員ステイタスが有効となっていない場合には、非会員価格で登録していただきます。会員ステイタスが有効になったことを確認でき次第、差額の払い戻し手続き(ただし7月10日(日)まで)を行いますので、RNA2016当日参加登録受付カウンターまたはRNA2016本部(Room H)にその旨お申し出ください。RNA2016閉会後のお問合せは庶務幹事(相馬亜希子
A Regular Member of the RNA Society of Japan is awarded the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in FY2017.
The Young Scientists' Prize
Dr. Yuichiro Mishima (IMCB)
"Molecular mechanisms of mRNA regulation during vertebrate early embryogenesis"
Date: Thursday, July 2, 2016
Time: 12:00 - 13:00
Venue: Main Hall, Kyoto International Conference Center