- Date (From): 2025-07-08
- Date (Through): 2025-07-10
- Organizer: 魏 范研 (東北大学)
- Venue: トークネットホール仙台(仙台市民会館)
- Venue URL: http://www.tohoku-kyoritz.co.jp/shimin/index1.html
On-site registration to RNA2016 with the Member-only fees:
The member-only fees of the RNA2016 in Kyoto is applicable to active members of the RNA Society of Japan.
For the on-site registration with the member-only fees, you will be asked to show the “Membership Status" in "My Account" (login required) on your smartphone or printed matter at the registration counter.
If you have not paid the annual membership fee of this fiscal year, please login and complete the payment. By the bank transfer, it will take about a week until the payment is confirmed and your membership status becomes activated.
If your status has not been activated at the registration, you will be asked to register with the non-member fees. After approval of the activation of your membership status, the RNA2016 secretariat will refund the balance (deadline is July 10th). Please ask details at the on-site registration counter.