Only Eligible Members of the Japan RNA Society can register for presentations. Early Registration is necessary prior to Abstract Submission.

Abstract Submission
Monday, April 1st, 2024 - Wednesday, May 15thWednesday, May 22nd, 2024

Eligibility for Submission

Only Full Members (Regular or Student Members) of the RNA Society of Japanese who have paid their Annual Membership Fees for the Fiscal Year 2024 can submit one Abstract as a Presenting Author. It is possible to be a co-author of multiple other presentations.

Early Registration is necessary prior to the Abstract Submission.

Best Presentation Awards

At the Annual Meeting of the RNA Society of Japan, the Best Presentation Awards will be given to outstanding presentations by undergraduate and graduate students according to the following procedure.
  1. Outstanding presentations that account for up to 10% of the total number of presentations by undergraduate and graduate students will be selected as Excellent Research Awards by the Program Committee's evaluation. Among them, up to two individuals who have received special recognition will be awarded the top prize, the "AOBA Prize", and the Society will provide travel expenses for presenting their research at an international meeting during the period until the next year's Annual Meeting as a supplementary prize. 
  2. The awardees will be announced and recognized at the end of the Meeting, and their achievements will also be publicly announced on the Society and the Annual Meeting websites. 
  3. The AOBA Prize winners will present their research progress at the following year's Annual Meeting. They will also contribute an article about their experience presenting at an international meeting and their research to the Society's Newsletter.

All presentations (oral and poster) by undergraduate and graduate students are eligible. We are looking forward to seeing the enthusiastic presentations by undergraduate and graduate students who will lead RNA research in Japan. 

Poster Clinic by EMBO Journal

At this year's conference, we will hold a poster clinic led by Dr. Cornelius Schneider, an editor of the EMBO Journal. Those who wish to participate should check the box for the poster clinic when submitting their abstract. The clinic is planned for two days, with a capacity of 6~8 participants per day. During the poster sessions, participants and Dr. Schneider will visit each poster in turn and engage in group discussions about them. If there are more applicants than available spots, posters will be selected.
Details and the schedule for the day will be communicated individually at a later date. This will be a great opportunity to objectively view your own research and seek further improvement.
Additionally, the EMBO poster prize will be awarded to outstanding presenters among the poster clinic presenters.

We warmly encourage everyone to take this opportunity.

Regarding the Registration for Presentation Archives

We are pleased to announce that the 25th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society of Japan will be held at Yasuda Auditorium, The University of Tokyo, from Wednesday, June 26th to Friday, June 28th, 2024. We would like to inform you of two significant changes from previous meetings:

  1. Starting this year, RNA Society members and conference attendees will have temporary access (planned for two weeks) to an archive of the conference presentations. Accordingly, those presenting at the conference are expected to upload a video of their oral presentations or a PDF of their poster presentations to our server in advance. We understand some presentations may contain sensitive content that can only be shared in-person; thus, it is not mandatory for the material to be identical to that presented at the conference. However, we encourage presenters to share as much of the same content as possible to facilitate information sharing among members who cannot attend in person, thereby promoting further development in RNA research.
    Please see the "About the Archive" section
  1. Recognizing that our members are spread across various regions of Japan, resulting in significant differences in participation costs, we are introducing a partial travel subsidy for student members, capped at approximately 50,000 JPY (anticipated for about 5 individuals). Details will be announced later, but we hope this initiative will encourage the active participation of the next generation of RNA researchers.
Template and Sample of Abstract (Word):
