The president of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) asks the president of the RNA Society of Japan to nominate excellent young researchers for the 12th (FY2015) JSPS PRIZE.
JSPS PRIZE Top Page (New but Japanese only)
11th (FY2014) JSPS PRIZE (in English)
Objective of the PRIZE
In order to raise the level of scientific research in Japan to the world's highest standard, it is important to recognize and support young researchers with rich creativity and superlative research ability at an early stage in their careers.
Applicable Fields
All fields of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences.
Qualifications to be nominated by the president of the RNA Society of Japan
They must have published papers or articles in scientific journals and other publications in Japan and/or abroad, and obtained excellent scientific research achievements. As of 1 April 2015, they must be
(1) Under 45 years of age
(2) Have obtained a doctorate degree (or possess an equivalent level of scientific research expertise)
(3) Must have Japanese citizenship, or be a foreign researcher who has conducted research at a Japanese research institution for five years or longer.
(4) Regular Member of the Society in FY2014 and FY2015.
Deadline of Application
Noon, March 23, 2015.
Contact and Application
Tohru Yoshihisa (Council Officer)